
Hello World!

I'm Kevin. Learn more about me below.

About me

Once again, Hello. I'm Kevin a 20 year old student. Currently I am following a CS course at HZ University of Applied Sciences located in Middelburg, Zeeland.
I started programming because as a kid I always loved working with computers. Whether it was playing games or building my own computer. I absolutely loved it. When I got older I started to get more interessted in how a computer worked. The things like "how do components interact with eachother" or "How does a program look/work "Behind the scenes"".

My hobbies

Besides programming, I have a few other hobbies. These include reading books, watching Netflix series, gaming and fitness. When it comes to reading and Netflix, I like almost anything if it has to do with Fantasy. As for gaming I quite enjoy story-rich or party games. Besides all these activities where there is minimal movement, I also really enjoy working out. When I have the time and chance, I try to squeze in 3 to 5 sessions a week.


graduated from high school with ICT in my curriculum. After this I started a HBO-ICT education at avans, in breda, of which I only followed the first year before coming here to HZ. The things I learned at avans are: making a website, making (android) applications, making an API. besides programming we also learned about database, professional skills and more. Some of the projects I did during that time can be found on my Github page , but the project I am the most proud of is 1T3. 1T3 is a project that a group of students and I created for a client, which is now online and being used.